Tuesday Morning Flow 3/5/24
Our shoulder blades are the mobile roots of our arms, embedded in the strong and supple soft tissues of our backs. This class explores how much play we have in this relationship -- our shoulder blades can be stable in many different positions and orientations as our body weight tumbles through space.
We start with restorative heart opening lying over two blocks. We explore external rotation in our shoulder joints, both moving our arms through space and in weight-bearing. Poses featured include ardha pūrvottānāsana (altar pose), anjaneyāsana (low and high cresent lunge), utthita parśvakonāsana (extended side angle), camatkārāsana (wild thing or astonishing pose) and utthita vasiṣṭhāsana (side plank).
We start with restorative heart opening lying over two blocks. We explore external rotation in our shoulder joints, both moving our arms through space and in weight-bearing. Poses featured include ardha pūrvottānāsana (altar pose), anjaneyāsana (low and high cresent lunge), utthita parśvakonāsana (extended side angle), camatkārāsana (wild thing or astonishing pose) and utthita vasiṣṭhāsana (side plank).
Tuesday Morning Flow 3/19/24