What happens as we learn to let go a little more? In this workshop and concert, attendees will explore their somatic landscape through stillness, the shifting of our cells, the movement of our bodies, and the emergent wisdom of groups with light touch. No prior dance or movement experience is necessary. Come dressed comfortably in layers for exploratory movement. You may want to bring a journal and/or drawing supplies.
Our bodies hold patterns of thought, behavior, and relating as networks of tension. We unconsciously hold ourselves certain learned ways in attempts to bring about the things we need and avoid the things we don’t want. Exploring this tension can be a way not just to relax or feel better, but to understand ourselves and others more deeply, to repattern how we relate, and to shift from reactivity into greater self-awareness.
Join Bex Nagy (a somatic movement educator, dancer, and yoga teacher) and Jonathan Cain (a musician and psychotherapist-in-training) for a haptic body trip to explore the profound depths of your being through touch and movement.
Bex will facilitate a guided movement exploration including inner space exploration and optional partnered or self-touch.
Jonathan will perform lush synthesizer-based compositions queued off the emergent emotional content of the group to support and encourage deeper exploration.