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Ecstatic Chill 3.3: Unfolding Heart (Sun 3/17/24 3-4:30pm PT / 6-7:30 pm ET, Livestream + Replay)

Our shoulder blades are the mobile roots of our arms, embedded in the strong and supple soft tissues of our backs. This class explores how much play we have in this relationship -- our shoulder blades are mobile such that they can be stable in many different positions and orientations as our body weight tumbles through space. This strength-in-mobility is critical for interacting with the world with comfort and dexterity in the long term. Do you always draw your shoulder blades down your back? Whomever told you that was wrong. Stop doing that.

In our third monthly Ecstatic Chill class of 2024, we’ll explore how the arm balance / backbend / crazy transition known as camatkārāsana (wild thing) asks just this of us — strong yet mobile shoulder blades. To get there safely and informatively, we’ll explore flexion and extension and internal and external rotation in our shoulder joints, both moving our arms through space and in weight-bearing. Poses featured will include ardha pūrvottānāsana (altar pose), anjaneyāsana (low and high cresent lunge), utthita parśvakonāsana (extended side angle), camatkārāsana (the ecstatic unfolding of the enraptured heart), ūrdhva dhānurāsana (full wheel), and utthita vasiṣṭhāsana (side plank).

Ecstatic Chill is a monthly Vinyasa Flow + Yin + Restorative Yoga mini workshop in a monthly subscription or drop-in format. Each Ecstatic Chill class begins with a somatic exploration and a vinyasa flow warm up, builds to a crescendo, then melts into longer-held poses, lots of rest, and centering breathwork (prāṇāyāma). We’ll explore intermediate and challenging poses in generative tension with restful ones, allowing ourselves to be supported as we redefine what it means to go deep. Though intermediate poses will be offered, this class is appropriate for all levels.

Purchasing the class also entitles you to the replay for 30 days following the livestream.

March 16

The Art of Chill: Lower Body (In Person in Grass Valley)

March 17

Flow + Restore (In Person weekly in Grass Valley, CA)